Writing to Impact Others

Following Jesus Christ gives me chances to hear His still small voice or sense an action I might want to take.

For the last few weeks I’ve felt like I needed to place an ad in one of those free weekly advertisement newspapers that come in the mail. I didn’t because I’ve been beyond busy. In the past, I’ve placed a small business ad in that local paper, offering my writing services for people that may need some assistance.

So this light pressure with a hint of excitement hovers in and around my consciousness, but I put off any action.

My grandchildren and family members are safely home for a couple of days now. Four days before they leave, I get a telephone call from a lady that needs help with some bulleted information for a presentation she hopes to make. She called this newspaper office to see if they’ll find my name and telephone number so she can contact me and they go all the way back to their Spring issues to find my ads. They give her my contact info. We exchange ideas and rates that I charge and now we’re in the middle of a project.

I love how God will get my attention if I don’t carry through on something He’s pointing me towards. Something that He knows I’ll enjoy and something that will aid the client. Now, to trim the words and make them story-like so they make an impact, yet business-like enough so this person won’t cry through her very personal vignette. Hopefully her experiences will stimulate positive results.

I write on my own time to entertain, but there are times when i write to voice an opinion for an issue I’m passionate about, or to write an editorial for a client. Do you write? If so, what results are you hoping for?

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