Led By God?

Do you ever consider how little control you have over your life and events in the world, bad or good?

I keep seeing God ordained moments in my life. Longings for ice cream twice this summer turned into seeing people I’d been missing. One person I’d prayed to see just a few days before stopping in for an ice cream cone. My husband agreed to accompany me to the ice cream stand. He asked me to choose which of the two I wanted to go to.

It made me wonder if I missed divine appointments when I resisted going to the ice cream stand in the summer. When I shared the delight of being led to two of the cold sweets’ stores at our Bible study one night, I got some good-natured ribbing.

“God sends you out for ice cream? Is He sending you now so we can all go?”

Then, today at Walmart I asked the cashier if there were 4 gallon-sized trash bags elsewhere in the store. I saw small bags by the garbage cans for sale, but none the correct size. He directed me to the food section of the store. My husband wasn’t too thrilled to head in the opposite direction, but he agreed to go with me.

Suddenly, I heard him say, “Hello!”

I quit looking for the correct aisle and saw good friends of ours. We hadn’t seen them in a while. After going our separate ways, my husband said, “If you hadn’t asked about different sized bags, we wouldn’t have seen Joe and Judy. It feels like one of those God moments.”

Right? How nice!

Have you felt like God orchestrated an event or two in your life lately? Totally unexpected?

I hope you are doing well! May God bless you!

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