Traveling Light

Every once in a while we get to go on vacation and see family. My grandson is building a marketplace on Minecraft. He loves Minecraft. So nice to get away and come back refreshed. I even called a friend one state away from home to see if she’d be up for company. She said to call her when we reach the vicinity and she’d let us know. 🙂

Driving through America shows similarities in every state and some regional differences. We drove through streets lined with pine trees and up mountainsides. Later, other streets greeted businesses and homes with only a couple of feet to spare. A large river meandered on the opposite side of the street beside cement barriers, keeping the two from meeting.

My mom’s family migrated south from Canada into the States. She never lived in Canada, but we visited now and again. She used to lament how flat the terrain was in the section of Upstate NY, where her dad and mom settled down. Even Upstate NY has vagaries. Flat in some spots, hilly in others, lots of lakes and ponds, Niagara Falls with the tremendous roar of water, small mountains in the Southern Tier, it’s amazing. Beautiful land that I see represented all over the world, when I watch movies; our earth proclaims the glory of God.

My other grandfather hailed from Holland, in a section of the country that I heard got claimed by the sea. I’ve never been there, but windmills and pottery with dark blue scenes from Holland call to me, tulips are one of my favorite flowers to push through the soil in the spring.

Have you taken any trips lately, even a day trip in your own town? As a writer, there’s a chance of getting isolated, so I really appreciated the change in scenery and the interacting with people. If you got away, did you enjoy yourself and do you recommend any sites for others?

0 thoughts on “Traveling Light

  1. I’ve not done so much travelling recently, we did a lot of it last year. We’ll be heading up to Lancashire soon though, to see some relatives. It always feels like hard work getting anywhere in London because of all the traffic!

    1. I don’t know much about England, but I understand London has the busiest airport in Europe. I recently borrowed the “Pride and Prejudice” video from the library to relax to. So, I’ve heard names of places from that. We have some English-sounding towns in America, borrowed from England. One town in the Southern Tier of NY is named Bath after Bath in England. Enjoy your journey.

      I recently went to Syracuse, NY. Terribly snowy day on the interstate thruway, Rt. 90, which gets hit with drifting snow. I’m so glad God protected me; the librarian told me there was a pile-up of tractor-trailer trucks in a severe accident around the time I was on the road. God is kind. And believe me, I was praying! God bless!

  2. Traveling is the stuff of dreams for our family right now. If finances ever cooperate, there is much we’d of God’s creation I’d love to see. You paint a lovely picture here of some of it.

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